Wings of Fire Fanfiction


Sanddollar had been waiting all night for Angler to show. She could see the sun casting orange-blue tones across the coral reef she found refuge in. Bubbles found their way up from various ocean life hidden in cracks and crevices, dancing their way up in the watery gloom. I wonder where he could be… Has he just been stringing me along the whole time? She thought, feeling a twinge of pain in her chest. Maybe this is what he had done with other she-dragons. Living up to his Angler name in some sort of cruel roundabout way. Her father always warned her about him, but she didn’t see what everyone else saw. They saw the prejudices the Queen had placed upon him and not the dragon himself…

But maybe they were right… and I’m just naive. She folded her aquamarine wings close to her body as she lowered her head on a squishy bed of anemones.The water around her was starting to cool and it seeped into her bones. She wasn’t sure how much longer she wanted to wait here. Sanddollar knew her father would be looking for her if she stayed out past sunset. Not to mention, if he found out that she had been seeing Angler… well… things would get very complicated for her.

She took one last glance around the reef. Only a few exotic fish meandered through the coral. Sanddollar let her scales blink and fade in an expression of disappointment. She began to unfurl her wings to leave when she saw a sudden flash in the distance. It flashed continuously. As if panicked. She narrowed her eyes attempting to figure out what it was she was seeing. Soon the flashing light began to accompany a shadow that grew larger and larger with every passing second. Her heart fluttered as the obscuring blue of the water turned into…


His eyes were wild and he nearly rammed into her as soon as he reached her. His scales were flashing all kinds of wild colors and assortment of expletives.

He was saying, “We have to leave now. We need to go. NOW. This is bad. This is terrible. I can’t believe this is happening.” He shook her by the shoulders and whipped his webbed tail trying to pull her up to the surface.

In an alarmed flurry, Sanddollar had no choice but to follow him. They held onto each other as they both winged up to the surface. As they broke into the wide open sky, it took a moment for Angler to catch himself, “Quick. We have to hide.”

“What’s going on, Angler? You’re scaring me.” Sanddollar whimpered. He didn’t even bother answering her as he darted off for the nearest cave. She couldn’t do anything but follow him. It was a small damp space that seemed to fill up when the tide was high. Mussels clung to the walls and tiny hermit crabs scampered away in the small pools around their ankles. Once they were there and out of sight, Sanddollar saw something huge break the surface of the water where they had just been moments ago. It was a dragon that Sanddollar did not recognize. A hulking female with crimson scales. A SkyWing? Though, she didn’t look exactly like a SkyWing…She had a webbed tail and gills like a SeaWing. '

She heard Angler whimper softly, “She wants to kill me.”

Sanddollar turned to him nearly hitting her head on the low ceiling, “Doesn’t everyone want to kill you?”

Angler’s expression gave an indignant flash before returning to fear, “Not everyone. But her… especially.”

“What did you do this time?!” Sanddollar whispered impatiently.

Angler gave a small hint of annoyance, “It’s not what I did. It’s the fact that I exist and she’s found me.”

The hulking dragon searched frantically, her nose steamed as she skimmed the surface of the ocean. It wouldn’t take her very long to find the cave they were hiding in. When she got to the beach it was only a matter of time.

“I think your friend is going to find us if we stay here much longer.” Sanddollar whispered in a worried tone.

She could see the gears turning in Angler’s head. He scanned the tree line and then to Sanddollar, “Distract her and then I can escape into the underbrush.” Sanddollar huffed in anger, “First you make me wait to meet up with you, then you bring a hulking angry she-dragon with you and now you want me to distract her so you can escape? What if she decides I’m a lovely warm-up for the beating she’s going to give you?”

There was a brief pause and she could see the remorse beginning to form on Angler’s face, “I’m sorry, Sandy… I didn’t mean to drag you into this. You were the only dragon I could think of who actually gives a fish’s tail about me.” His voice cracked with that last statement, “I promise she isn’t looking to kill any other dragon besides me. Just give her a reason to look away for a moment while I have time to hide.”

Sanddollar didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t wrong in a sense… It made her feel terrible. So, she simply nodded and readied herself at the mouth of the cave. She paused and looked back at him, “If I die I’m coming back to haunt you for the rest of your days.”

She saw him hold back a smile which made her feel a little better, however his look of worry did not soften. She really wondered who this dragon was and why she was so furious at Angler. Those were thoughts for later. Right now she had some distracting to do.

Sanddollar took off toward the beach attempting to make it seem like she was looking for something. Her heart began to race when the Crimson SeaWing noticed her and began making her way over. Sanddollar pretended that she was oblivious while she poked a shell out from under the sand.

“YOU! SEAWING!” She shouted in gruff voice.

This is it… please don’t crack me open like a coconut, Sanddollar thought as she looked up to the other she-dragon, “Yes?”

Sanddollar had to force her gaze forward to avoid hinting on Angler’s hiding spot. She sincerely hoped that Angler had made it safely and wasn’t still waiting in the cave like a scared dormouse.

The Crimson dragon landed on the beach with a humph as sand scattered from under her wings. Sanddollar had to cover her eyes for a moment, “Did you see another SeaWing fly by here recently?”

Sanddollar blew some sand from her nose and when she looked up, she shuddered at how big this dragon really was up close, “I … I see SeaWings fly by all the time around here.”

The Crimson dragon huffed with an air of frustration, but there was a glimmer of softness within her. Rather than being furious at Sanddollar’s reply, the she-dragon lowered her head, “You wouldn’t happen to know one called

‘Angler,’ would you?”

Sanddollar was a bit nervous as to how she should reply but managed to squeak out, “That depends on who is asking…”

“My name is SkyFall. I’m one of Angler’s sisters.”


How to develop an art style


A Discussion on A.I. Artwork